Tuesday, June 27, 2017

From the journal of Correctional Officer Steven Williams, March 7

March 7, 2017

     Yesterday I just hunkered down in place and watched around my house with my binoculars from a shaded upstairs window. The entire neighborhood has descended into chaos. It reminded me of why I never enjoyed zombie movies. The people running, screaming, stealing, raping, killing and dying. All of humanities best and most fun activities when the world is turning into a giant ball of flaming shit. The worst comes out in most people when the shit hits the fan, especially if it hits hard enough to break off the fan blades.
      I spent time looking at maps trying to determine my best option of where to go that would be the best place to fight these things and find like minded people. Denver International Airport came to mind because of the underground tunnel system that could house a lot of people safely. I also remember hearing that food and water had been stored down there in case of an emergency and it would make a good base of operations for us to help in the fight against these undead freaks. I have decided to head for there and hope that I find some people on the way to help to survive and fight. Of course, this could be a fantasy and everyone might be as lawless as those between the Detention Center and here. I will have to continue to hope for the best, but I am pretty sure that it will be worse than I think it will be.
     Last night was really bad here. Gun shots rang out all night from every direction and distance. I listened to a choir of screams; for help, from fear and from pain. Cars raced around with no discernible destination in mind, just anywhere but here. What was the point? Anywhere but here is just as bad as here anyway.
      For about an hour, I thought about suicide. Then I pulled myself out of my funk and continued planning for my drive to the Denver International Airport. I think it will be best to drive during daylight. I will be able to see any obstacles and undead ahead of time and will be able to avoid anything needed quicker. If I drove at night, I would have to use the lights and would make me visible from farther away.
     Time to eat and sleep again so I can leave at first light tomorrow. It's about 258 miles from here to my destination. That used to take a little over 3 and a half hours but judging from my drive home from the Detention Center, it will take more than 12 hours. I will scavenge on the way for whatever I find that I don't have. This will include food, water and gas to keep the truck going. I will write again as soon as I can safely do so. I don't care if anyone ever reads this. I need to put this stuff down to get it out of my head a little bit and get a little distance and perspective.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

From the journal of Correctional Officer Steven Williams, March 5

March 5, 2017

     I made it home, but wasn't sure that I would. When I left the Detention Center, I was able to head straight home, as I always keep emergency supplies at my house. I thank God that I didn't need to stop.
    I remember watching riots on the news and protests turning into riots, too. I never thought that I would see this behavior in North Platte. People were everywhere. Brainless even before death, they were looting stores and taking T.V.s, radios, computers and game consoles. Occasionally, I would see a smarter someone who was taking food and water, but these were few and far between.
     Driving by the Walmart, I saw a couple of men try to take a woman and her daughter from a minivan and pull them to their SUV. The husband/father pulled out a shotgun and shot both me in the back as they were trying to drag his family away. Then, the family took their loot from the minivan and put it all in the SUV and drove away. This was only the first time I saw something like this on the drive home.
     Several times people tried to stop me on the street, some claimed they needed help and some just wanted to rob me. I did not stop. I know that I will dream about people begging for help and my not stopping but there were too many people who would have tried to get in if  I had stopped. Funny how one day, you are an officer of the law and the next day, you are like everyone else. Just trying to survive.
     It usually takes me a half hour to get home, but it took me three times as long today, dodging cars, people and the undead freaks. I saw a pack of them attack a man like a pack of rabid dogs. They tore him apart and ate him while the meat was still warm.
     I saw crying children running from their no longer living parents and parents trying to reason with their undead kids. "Mommy said no." "Daddy said stay back, princess."
     Turning into my neighborhood, the mayhem continued. People were fighting on lawns over everything from household electronics and artwork. On another lawn, there were two girls playing ring around the rosie with their undead sister. Circling her and singing, staying just out of her reach, no parents in sight. Cars were everywhere, running in the street, smashed into houses and telephone poles, smoldering on fire, high grounded on pile of bodies and undead, tires still spinning.
     Bodies were lying all over the place, some in the process of reanimating, some with too much gone to come back, and some with the recently deceased making a nine course meal out of them. Three blocks from my home, I watched a flaming family file out of their flaming house and become a group of walking torches to set their neighbors houses aflame. This made me glad that I owned one of the most secluded houses in the neighborhood and also glad that I had resisted selling the empty lots I owned that were surrounding my yard and house. Now, this empty space would provide a fire break from the rest of the neighborhood.
     I hit the remote on my truck visor and pulled directly into the garage, closing the door as soon as possible behind me. First, I had to make sure no one had gotten into my house, so I cleared it room by room. Once I knew everything was still secure, I closed all the blinds and curtains and prepared to stay as quiet and dark as possible while packing my 4 wheel drive truck with as many of the emergency supplies as I could get in there. Food, water, medical supplies, camping gear, every weapon I owned, including the shotgun from the Detention Center that was usually used to shoot bean bags during riots. I grabbed the ammo storage boxes that had all the ammunition I had on hand and the machete, hunting and skinning knives in my garage. Next, I decided all I needed to grab was some clothes, any maps and batteries I could find.
     After, I  changed my clothes, I ate some food and am now laying on my living room couch to sleep while I can. I know that this place will not be safe for more than a couple of nights, so tomorrow I need to decide what my next goal is going to be. Where will people head to start fighting back against this mass of undead kill joys? Will anyone want to fight?
      Sleep for now, planning tomorrow.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

From the journal of Correctional Officer Steven Williams, March 4

March 4, 2017

     I barely made it out of the Detention Center alive. When I got to work today, there was this strange quiet, especially around the Medical Pod, although, even the inmate pods were not as noisy as they usually are. Few voices drifted from the windows of any of the pods, way less than I normally heard walking into the Detention Center. This gave me the creeps and when I got to the Administration Pod, it was more quiet than normal, too. The CO's just getting off shift were looking at the floor and there was none of the usual ribald ribbing that happens in all men's locker rooms.
     I jokingly asked if they were all upset that they missed on on last nights excitement. That's when they told me and the other CO's just clocking in about what happened after we left last night.
     Everyone who had been bitten turned into on of those ravaging freaks. The deeper the bite or the more received, the faster they turned. With only a bite on his had, Chief Murphy lasted longer than anyone else, but even he turned eventually.
Detention Center
    Word had also come from the Justice Department that we were not the first detention center, jail, or prison this had happened in and that the National Guard was supposedly on the way to make sure of the situation.
     The reason there had been no noise from the Medical Pod was because everyone in it stayed quiet as long as no one went inside or made a noise too close to a window. Any noise near it or movement seen through one of the windows and those inside would frantically try to get out any opening. Luckily for those of us outside the Medical Pod, the windows had bars on them and the door had been securely locked when the injured were taken in.
     Our orders were to keep away from the Medical Pod and keep the inmates as quiet as possible. The inmates were to stay in their 2 man cells, no cage time, no time in the common room. I guess the Justice Department figured this would keep those infected in secured areas. Of course, that means whoever is in a cell with someone who turned would be a sacrifice to keep the rest of us safe.
     The CO's off shift left as fast as our shift had left last night, letting me know just how creepy they considered what was happening. Those with families were rushing home to make sure they were safe, those without families were rushing home to secure in place. I doubted any of them would show up for their next scheduled shift.
     Whoopee! The National Guardsmen arrived. They set up in the Administration Pod in Chief Murphy's office. I guess he didn't need it anymore, anyway. The man in charge, Commander Johnson, questioned all of the CO's on shift about what had been happening and what had been personally observed versus shared second hand information. After making sure of the situation, Commander Johnson informed us lowly CO's that their orders were to open the Medical Pod to take samples from those infected and then to exterminate all those inside the Pod. I shook my head at the stupidity of those giving the orders and watched those assigned to enter the Medical Pod and guard the doors leave the office.
     This brilliant plan went to shit, as the two 10 man teams were quickly overpowered by the sheer vicious natures of the undead freaks. The 7 men on the two doors, 4 in front and 3 on the rear door, could not get the doors secured. This let those in the pod out into the area between the pods; the 15 or so infected in the common room as well as the 7 medical personnel and 3 CO's all infected in the Medical Pod.
     The freed flesh eaters went after anything that moved between the pods. They quickly devoured the 7 guardsmen on the doors and then tried to get to the inmates whose cell windows faced the central area between the pods.
     Commander Johnson, his second in command and his secretary, tasked with recording the mission, were all that were left of the 30 man team from the National Guard. I tried to ask the commander what came next, but he just stared at the screens from the security cameras, unable to tear his eyes away from the flesh eaters eating his team members.  Neither of his subordinates were willing to speak up first, so they all just stood there.
    I asked CO Brown, the next in command here at the Detention Center, what we should do next. He just mumbled about video games and the dead coming to life while staring mesmerized by the same images. Everyone continued to stare while the flesh eaters completed their guardsmen snack, around 20 minutes of chew, swallow and repeat. Commander Johnson pulled himself together and tried to reach his superior officer, both by radio and by phone. No answer on either. CO Brown tried to reach the Justice Department, but all he got was a busy signal. What happened next became the topic of discussion.
     First, we needed to decide what to do about the secured inmates. Should we release the inmates? Or just leave them as they were and leave ourselves? Should we kill all of them, putting them out of their eventual misery? If so, how? Could we afford the time it would take to kill them by baton or knife? Could we afford the bullets it would take to kill them all? We knew that there were around 40 of those things between the pods and we also did not know what we would find outside the Detention Center fences.
     After 2 hours of going back and forth about the fate of the inmates, Commander Johnson decided that he and his remaining team members were not responsible for the uninfected inmates. Their mission was to take samples from those infected in the Medical Pod and exterminate them. I pointed out that his team had not completed that mission and asked if the three remaining team members would finish their assignments.  The commander didn't like being questioned and pushed past me saying they were leaving.
    I asked him "How? The only way out is between the pods and out the main entry gate. You'll have to take out the 40 or so reanimated corpses to get out."
     We quietly argued for another hour before deciding to leave the inmates and save ourselves. I was the one hold out to release the inmates, but the others pointed out that we would have to get them out of the Detention Center and besides, they were criminals. The seven of us armed ourselves with the centers' riot riffles and put on full riot gear, hoping for some protections against being bitten. The guardsmen were also armed with their side arms and we all took batons and knives.  Geared up, we left the Administration Pod as quietly as possible.
     The fighting was worse than I had thought it would be. The cries from the inmates were also harder to listen to than I thought they would be, although they did distract a few of the undead. Still, there were plenty for us to deal with.
Zombie Face     I flashed back to taking down Inmate #9931. It took a lot more effort to take out the brain than is shown on T.V. and in the movies. The skull did not break open as easily as cracking an egg, like Hollywood shows. In reality, it took real effort and multiple blows to take down the flesh eaters. It also takes time. We started with the quieter weapons to draw the least amount of attention from the creatures farther away. It did not take long for them to become attracted to the sounds of us fighting the undead. Those closest to our group began to moan and shamble towards us which drew the attention of the others near them. After that, it was just an endless time of raising and lowering my baton, until Commander Johnson gave the agreed signal that it was time to start using the firearms.
     Time blurred together and it felt like both an eternity and only a minute passed before we were at the door to the Main Entry Pod. Flashes of the dead coming at me, then my arm holding the shotgun and then the heads exploding. Over and over again until time had no meaning. The only thing that mattered was how many freaks were left between us and our destination.
     We went through the Pod and out the gate. Everyone went their separate ways, the guardsmen to one of their vehicles, the CO's to their own vehicles. As I drove away, I couldn't help feeling guilty for just leaving the inmates, but there was no way I could have done anything by myself and the others were not going to take any time to do anything that did not involve saving themselves. Survival is now the name of the game.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.


From the journal of Correctional Officer Steven Williams, March 3

This journal was recovered from a laptop kept in the four wheel drive vehicle that Steven Williams used make his way away from North Platte, Nebraska.
In the beginning of the pandemic, news anchors were instructed to tell the public to head towards the center of the United States. It was incorrectly reported that these states were infection free. CO (Correctional Officer) Williams knew that this was not true and decided to head for the underground tunnels at the Denver International Airport, which is where he met up with my group. The idea was not as well thought out as any of us had thought. But who was thinking clearly in those initial days of the pandemic.

March 3, 2017

     I have worked in the prison system as a guard for 13 years, 8 of which were at the detention center I am still working at. In that time, I have known some truly evil men, but the majority of the inmates I dealt with were just regular guys. Some had bad situations that put them where they were going, others got involved with drugs and ended up in the same place.
     We had gone years without a riot or a major brawl. My jail, Lincoln County Detention Center, is a facility that only houses inmates for a year or so. All the inmates are awaiting sentencing, trial or a transfer. I know that it can be hard on the inmates, being inside their pods for 23 hours a day. The inmates only get to go outside in the cage attached to their pod and there is not much to do outside in the cage, just a basketball court and the dip bars. Otherwise, they are inside in the their pod or in their cell. We try to make it as bearable as possible for the time the inmates are with us. There are common areas in each pod where the inmates can get together. They can play cards or watch TV.  But as a short term stop on their adventures through the court and prison system, we just do not have the ability to provide the same amenities as jails and prisons.
Prison Fence     Last night was the oddest night shift I ever worked! A riot broke out in the common area as dinner was being served. Dinner had been going as well as ever, with little jests and insults flying like always. Then, one of the inmates, #9931, had a seizure and died right there on the floor. One minute he was eating tuna casserole, the next, he was gone. The other CO's were keeping the inmates back while we tried to save him and by the time the prison doc got there, it was already too late. Dr. Anderson decided to do an initial exam right there in the common area. I was assured that everything was under control and walked into the hall to call the chief and explain why the alarm had been set off. That's when the screaming started.
     These are big men with access to the dip bars and room in their cells for body weight exercises. Yet, they were screaming like preteen girls at a Justin Beiber concert. I rushed back into the common area and was struck dumb and unable to move. There was Inmate #9931, who was supposed to be dead. Dr. Anderson was in his arms and Inmate #9931 had used the doctor as a chew toy, until the doctors neck looked like a chewed up chunk of meat. The other inmates and a few of the CO's rushed for the doors, which is not usually allowed, and were pushing, shoving and fighting to get out; discipline had gone right out the window. Their screams turned Inmate #9931 from his current snack and he saw that there was fresh meat on the hoof close by.
     Inmate #9931 was shambling towards everyone. God, I never thought I would use that word but it is the best way to describe the way he was moving. Like the mummy in old black and white Hollywood movies. The doctor got back to his feet and started the same shuffling step after those still in the room. The two of them were biting as many people as they could get to. Sometimes they would stop to get more of a snack and other times, they would bite and get immediately distracted by another tasty morsel screaming at the rear of the panicking mob.
     I marshaled the CO's still in possession of their senses and we moved towards the two creatures. As unarmed CO's, we did not have the chance for a quick take down with a weapon. The tables and seats are all attached to the floor which left us with few options. CO Phillips pushed his way into the common area with batons from the outside hall and passed them to the six CO's still in the room. I made sure they all understood to go for the head, as crazy as that sounded. It took me and CO Sanchez to take down Inmate #9931. Two of the others took our Dr. Anderson while the other two kept an eye on all those who had been bitten, 13 inmates and 2 CO's. There were a couple of other inmates and one CO on the floor already dead or in the process of dying. Other CO's arrived and escorted all the unhurt inmates to their cells and calm finally was returned. It happened so fast, Sanchez and I had acted on instinct and the others followed our lead. It felt like some video game come to life where the dead just keep coming back.
Jail Cells
     Chief Murphy walked in as the last of the unhurt inmates were escorted to their cells. He demanded answers that none of us had to give. I mean, our doctor was laying on the floor with an inmate and both of their heads were bashed in! How were we to know what the hell was going on?
     That's when it started all over again. The dead got up and went for the living. Chief Murphy ordered the approaching dead CO to cease approaching. This was about as effective as requesting a  charging attack dog to stop in its tracks. He lost two fingers before we could take out the dead CO, Patrick Sola. The Chief was still shouting orders at CO Sola as his fingers were chomped on and disappeared into the stomach of the recently dead CO.
     Our orders changed from there. Anyone killed by either Inmate #9931 or Dr. Anderson were shot in the head with the riot riffles brought to the common room. Those injured, including Chief Murphy, were taken for treatment and observation to the Medical Pod. By the end of my shift, everything had calmed down and mostly returned to normal. I don't think that I have ever been as excited to see the time change to 2 a.m. and I was the first out the Main Entry Gate once relieved of duty by the next shift.
     I came home, ate a TV dinner and went to bed. Man, tomorrow better be a better day.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

From the Blog of Dr Martin Grenier found on his PC in Riverside, California. February 18

Febrry 18, 200117

     I was up most of the ngt. Cldnt lay down. My lungs r t full. Hand is so bad, it is ooozinng. Cant tink. I shd call wrk, but my hand hrts so much and so dos my hed.  I feel lk if I tried to stand up, my hed wld fall off. Fwwl very dazed, cant tink threw the haze. Threw up the cffee I tryed to drink tody. Craving raw meet.
     Clled wrk. No one ansered. Tryed again and the lne was busie. Gong to go bck to bed now. Sleeeepp. Wadlthewnone. Hed hrts.I hvsndtothend, cll mom. Hope sog htheirn hr dr. jkaflkjlksdf

End of blog

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

From the Blog of Dr Martin Grenier found on his PC in Riverside, California. February 17

February 17, 2017

     Wow, I slept really badly. I had really odd dreams about eating people. And in another dream, I was a rabid animal going after anything that moved or made a sound. I have not had dreams that wild ever!
     My hand is swollen to almost twice its normal size and is turning dark purple already. While changing the bandage this morning, I noticed that the flesh around the edges of the wound resembles the destruction observed in patients with necrotizing fasciitis. I attempted to remove the worst of the dead flesh, but did not have the proper tools, so it was a clumsy attempt.
Zombie Face     I woke up with respiratory symptoms including a very wet cough. It actually feels like someone is sitting on my chest or squeezing my lungs in a vice. Also, while I am not prone to headaches, I awoke with a bilateral headache from hell. It feels as if a hammer is making contact with my brain with every pulse of my heart. I believe this is what is inducing my nausea, but it could be another symptom from the bite.
    With how quickly I have developed the same seemingly unrelated symptoms displayed by our patients, it makes me wonder in any of the bitten people that I work are having the same accelerated progression of symptoms. I am going to have to call in today, in case I am contagious due to the cough. I do not plan on biting anyone anytime soon, so as long as I stay in, I should not infect anyone.
     I better call soon so they can try to replace me for my shift. I hope that I don't get a infection from how dirty the human mouth is.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

From the Blog of Dr Martin Grenier found on his PC in Riverside, California. January 20

This blog was recovered from a flash drive carried by a neighbor of Dr. Martin Grenier . It was turned over to be placed in the archive to illustrate how little information was initially disseminated to medical staff or facilities nation wide. The government surely knew about the outbreak of the pandemic before it became known to the general public.  They did not share any information to help said public, whether medical personnel or lay people, who were not directly linked to the military.
The neighbor, Alex Martinez, recounted to me that he went across the hall to check on Dr. Grenier after watching the news. The anchorman had told the public to be wary of anyone who had been bitten. Mr. Martinez  had run into the doctor in the stairway and had been told of the injury to Dr. Greniers' hand. Mr Martinez had to take care of the doctor who had turned sometime in the previous three days.
Some of the entries were too damaged to be able to comprehend and record for the archive. I have recovered as much as possible, as it is interesting to hear the outbreak from the standpoint of someone with medical knowledge.

January 20, 2017

Some people are so blind. There are people that I work with who don't see that man getting elected as the President of the United States as an issue. There is a reason that most people who have been president have been lawyers or at least professional politicians. Maybe not at the very beginning of our country but they were still well educated, intelligent men, especially for that time period.
      I told Toby that something is going to happen. The shit will hit the fan at some point due to our presidents stupidity and then everyone will see. I still feel like I am sleep walking and that I will wake up and this will all just be a nightmare. The man can't even keep any of his opinions to himself. He just throws his thoughts out there where anyone can see them and doesn't realize that now his tweets can have diplomatic repercussions.
I guess it is just a waiting game.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

From the Blog of Dr Martin Grenier found on his PC in Riverside, California. February 16

February 16, 2017

Hospital - Site of Infection
I have not had time to write lately. Work has been crazy. We have been having the strangest cases being sent to us from all around Southern California. Patients that initially came in with bites or scratches and then dying within differing time spans from a few hours to days. And the patients have been dying from symptoms that, even if taken together, should not have been fatal. Respiratory symptoms that caused death, even when the patient had been placed on a ventilator. Infection that just rages through all the bodies systems, no matter what treatment is administered. The patients have strength they should not possess in the condition that they are in. They get delirious and combative right before or sometimes even after coding. I know of at least a dozen instances of Emergency Room personnel reporting being bitten by patients with similar symptoms. I myself have been bitten, just last night.
Hopefully, the autopsies will tell us something about what is killing these patients so fast and in such unusual ways. I sent down two patients to the morgue just last night, the one who bit me and another who came in just a few minutes after. Both had been bit and rapidly went downhill. Both were dead within hours of being brought in and both had bitten at least one member of the personnel before they died.
I am so exhausted from working two doubles in a row. My head is hurting and so is my hand. I guess I will go to sleep now.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

From the Journal of Wendy Peterson, found in Pasadena, California. February 17

February 17,2017

I cannot believe some parents! What are they thinking! A student at John Muir High School came to school sick. By lunch time, she passed out and had a seizure. When she woke up, she must have been delirious because she started biting people. My sweet Charlie was helping her to keep from biting her tongue and got bit for his efforts. Now, he is feeling very poorly and will have to stay home from school for a few days. After all, the human mouth is so dirty. Our personal physician ordered antibiotics just in case but I had him start taking them now.
Skull He has had a fever and chills with a cough all evening. I made him soup and gave him cough drops and ginger ale.
     I can hear him now, moaning and moving around the house. I should see if he needs anything.

End of Entries

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

From the Journal of Wendy Peterson, found in Pasadena, California. February 9

Statue Of LibertyFebruary 9, 2017

What are some people thinking? That so called judge ruled that our President's travel ban is unconstitutional. Go ahead, let the terrorists just waltz right in. Might as well roll out the red carpet, give them a tour, house, job and whatever they need to carry out their planned attacks. The judges just need to get out of our President's way. He knows what he is doing.
Jerry and I had a fight over all of this. He said that I am as deluded as our President. He said that our President has no idea what he is doing or what the consequences will be.
We finally had to agree to disagree or it is going to affect our marriage.
On a brighter note, Charlie won Music Student of the Year! Which means he will be performing at the graduation ceremony this year. Sherry is not as happy to have her little brother as part of her graduation ceremony., but I told her, at least she knows that there won't be a bad performance to ruin the day.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

From the Journal of Wendy Peterson, found in Pasadena, California. January 28

January 28, 2017

Beautiful Girl
Photo of Sherry Peterson found in the Peterson Home
We got Sherry's SAT scores back. She got 1500! We are so proud of her. She got the highest score at John Muir High School, Better than Jackie's twins; Josh only a 1250 and Travis got a 1350. Sherry got a better score than any of her friends too; Melissa got 1370 and Brittany got a 1400.
     Our President signed an Executive order regulating who can come into our great country. He knows how to keep us all safe. This will help keep more terrorists out and will keep more American jobs for Americans. I got into an argument with Mary next door. She said that this is not the "America she grew up in" and that we should not block people just because of the country they came from. She had the nerve to say this action would not keep us safer and would have bad consequences down the line. I told her she was an idiot. I told Alexa that I don't want her to hang out with Sarah anymore which caused a huge screaming argument between us. She said I shouldn't stop her from hanging out with her friend just because I don't agree with their parents. Right before she slammed her door she yelled "Heil Mom".
I cried for an hour and when Jerry came home, I told him what had happened. He sided with Alexa so I have had to relent, but I told her that I don't want her to always go over there. I don't want Mary influencing my child any more than she already has. I made Jerry sleep on the couch for siding with Alexa and cried myself to sleep.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

From the Journal of Wendy Peterson, found in Pasadena, California. January 13

Haunted Old Home
Home of Wendy Peterson
This journal was found in a private residence in Pasadena, California. It was found during a routine scavenging mission that resulted in the destruction of all of the houses occupants due to their  having become zombies. These entries have been included in order to illustrate what the mindset was of the average American family at the outbreak of the pandemic and how unprepared most people were for how the world was going to change.

January 13, 2017

I can't believe some of the people in my neighborhood. They can't see what having someone who is not just another politician is going to do for our country. We need to do something other than business as usual. Our schools have been getting less and less funding. Last year, we almost lost the drama and music programs at John Muir High School. I mean, we live in Pasadena, not Compton! This is unacceptable. I would understand in a place like Oakland even, but we are not living in Oakland. I can't believe that Jackie didn't see this as an issue. Sure, her sons would still be able to play football or baseball, but what about those of us who have children who don't play sports. My Charlie has been in band since the 5th grade. He is working towards a music scholarship and parents like Jackie just shrugged the possible loss of his dream off. I would like to see how she would feel if it was the sports programs being "discontinued due to lack of available funding". Thankfully, there are enough of us parents who didn't want to see this happen that we were able to save the programs. Take that Jackie Maddox!!
Sherry has been preparing for the SAT's this Saturday. She is so smart that I just know she will get a great score! I know she will do better than either of Jackie's boys. Sherry is so much better at academics than they are. All the Maddox boys want to do is play football and other gladiator sports. Anything they can do that allows them to slam themselves at something, whether a ball or another player makes them happy. But Sherry likes learning so she will finish growing up to be a useful member of society. Unlike the Maddox boys. I see jobs like bag boy and gas station attendant in their futures.
  At least my kids are doing things that can make the world a better place, or at least more beautiful. Sherry says she wants to be a doctor and Charlie wants to compose music that touches peoples souls.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Introduction to Diary of A Zombie Apocalypse

My name is John Archer, some people call me Archer ,although, most now call me the Archivist. I was thirty nine years old when the world collapsed, old enough to remember before the pandemic. It is now the year 2038 and there are still pockets of civility left in this world.
Apocalypse Gas Mask
Like most of those around my age, I had started my adult life as something else entirely. I was a button pusher in insurance, at one of those all around companies that will insure everything from your car to your life. The only good thing that came out  of my time in insurance was learning to collect information and put it together in a understandable format.
When the world fell apart,  I was in my late thirties and in sad physical condition. The only reason I survived is that I got in with a good group right at the beginning. I had a wide range of knowledge, I just lacked the practical application of the knowledge I possessed. We met at one of the tens of thousands of FEMA centers set up in the early days of the pandemic. Our center, fifty miles outside Denver, was set up like a large old west town made of tents, but with every model of modern car on the dirt roads. It had dusty streets, hastily cleared by large equipment, that from the sky probably resembled a spider web. Fifteen hundred people grouped together and then placed into neighborhoods of around fifty adults. These neighborhoods were designed to be a grouping of tents placed around a communal cooking and eating area. Some of the neighborhoods worked, others did not. There were a few instances of people being moved around in the first few weeks to make them work more efficiently.
Most of the neighborhoods included one medical doctor, a nurse, an administrator, a secretary and a chef. We got lucky, in that our chef brought two of her own sous chefs with her. Our neighborhood also had a couple who taught wilderness survival, a cop, a firefighter, a custodian from a school, several homemakers and a handful of people like myself, button pushers by trade with varying amounts of useful knowledge. We were a group that got lucky and clicked. Our administrator sat us all down, forty eight adults and 14 children, to discuss what our strengths are. It was awkward, but she was able to find everyone in our group something useful that they could do to contribute. Some of us had hands on skills while others had information that was deemed valuable. We even set up a daycare/school so a few of the women could watch all the children in the communal area and their parents could contribute as well.
When the neighborhood areas were assigned, I was disappointed that our group was put in a neighborhood on the back side of the FEMA center, but this turned out to be a blessing.
The night that ended our stay at the center started as all the others had. Our chefs and a couple of volunteers went to the main mess tent to receive the fresh items scavenged that day. We had kept in the habit of staying packed up, as our survival experts recommended and had posted our own sentries around our neighborhood. The chef and others had just made it through our newly set up perimeter when the first shots were heard. People in other neighborhoods started moving towards the sounds due to humans undeniable curiosity. Then the screams started, ringing out like a symphony orchestra tuning up for a performance. The FEMA center walkie-talkies came to life, stating the situation at the front as becoming overrun and appealing for all available people with firearms to come towards the front area to help defend against the horde of zombies. No one but the trained soldiers listened and responded. Panic engulfed the people in the center, people started to push their way towards the back fences. Tents were trampled, people too. Some had even started to loot the camps on their way to the back.
Our escape plan was put into action at the first sound of gunfire. The cars, already facing our chosen section of back fencing for our exit, were packed with all our bags and all of our dry supplies, water, and the fresh food just picked up. Our tents were collapsed but not folded properly and thrown into the vehicles. Our neighborhood was ready to pull out within 10 minutes of the first shot.
       There were different signals that were taught to all the people when they arrived at the FEMA center. Our groups plan was to wait until the signal came that meant the zombies had broken through the line of soldiers and had passed the halfway point into the center. When this signal came over the walkie-talkies, we cut our way through the fence using the heavy duty wire cutters that we smuggled into our neighborhood after a scavenging mission. Our vehicles pulled through with the last clunker of a van used to seal the hole we had made.
I turned around only once and what I saw made my blood run cold. People had moved the van and were streaming out of the exit to escape the approaching zombies. We had made it out, but were now going to be on our own. It made me think about how it all began to go so wrong.
Looking back at the year it all started, 2017, it seems hard to believe everything that has happened. No one knew, myself included, what would happen when the United States of America elected that man as the president of our country. It was unprecedented to have a person who had no political experience run for and win the presidency. I never could have guessed what this seemingly harmless result would bring; the wars that would be started, the weapons that would be unleashed. Bombs fell, bullets flew and hell was unleashed onto the world in the form of chemical and biological agents that were conceived of and twisted by brilliant human minds. Nothing was held back, not even nuclear missiles would be kept free of the fight.
Who knows where the infection truly started. We only know what has been traced back from all the available spotty information. The earliest dated report I could find states that the first known infection in the United States, patient zero as the doctors had taken to calling him, was a trucker who was infected at a truck stop outside Barstow, California. The most likely infectious agent was a rest stop vending machine tuna sandwich. The trucker, Ralph Walker, was a large white male in moderately good health. The agents investigating the outbreak interviewed his boss. Mr. Walker was known to eat anything, from street food in foreign countries to vending machine fare at the rest stops where he slept. He boss remembered him bragging about his "iron stomach that could digest even the most foul of foods on the verge of spoiling".
From the interviews taken at Barstow Community Hospital, the man who found him at the rest stop was one of the employees of Cal-trans. He said that he had seen that truck drive in on Friday because "his truck is so fresh, man".  The following Monday, it was still there when he came in for the work. Normally, if a trucker stays for more than the allocated eight hours, like overnight making it more like twelve hours, it was overlooked. But four days was just too long. He called his boss and was instructed to check on the trucker. After opening the unlocked door of the truck he ended up having to fight off the trucker, and was bit on the right forearm. Once he got out of the truck and called for help, the infection found more victims. The ambulance EMT, the Highway Patrol officers who responded, the emergency room doctor, a nurse and a couple of security guards who were called in to help secure Mr. Walker to the gurney, in total, eight were bit and allowed to leave, spreading the infection immediately.
When patient zero was finally secured hand and foot to the bed and the machines used in all emergency rooms were attached to him, the doctors and nurses could not believe what the machines were saying. He had no heart beat, no oxygen saturation, and no brain activity except in the brain stem itself. Yet, he was growling, moaning and biting people like a rabid animal. The local doctors were very interested in continuing their study, but the military had other ideas. It was a general who came with a court order claiming the patient with soldiers in hazmat suits to move him. They brought many items to help secure him and keep him from biting any of them. The first item was a medical restraint mask, then a  straight jacket with chains to secure his arms, shackles on his ankles and a body bag were the final measures taken. Everyone directly involved in his care was interviewed and then they pulled out.
The rest stop employee was brought in for treatment for his bite. Within a few hours, he was exhibiting symptoms that did not seem to stem from the bite. His lungs stopped functioning so he was put on a respirator; the EKG and EEG readouts started going haywire; he became combative and had to be sedated. It was not long after that when he crashed and was declared deceased. The hospital followed all protocols and sent the body to the morgue with an attendant, but both the body and the attendant never got there. One of his co-workers went to look for him, thinking he might have gone for an unscheduled smoke break. After looking out the bay door where the smokers seemed to congregate and not finding the attendant, he headed for the elevator. That is where the gurney was found, covered in fresh blood with pieces of the attendant lying on it and the floor beside it.
end of the world room
Our world after the infection
Once the pandemic could no longer be kept from the public, the press was given a list of talking points and every channel sounded like every other channel. The president tweeted: "It must be a biological attack by the enemies of our great country." This caused already tense relations with Russia, China and North Korea to become strained to a dangerously low point. the President tweeted that he "vowed to strike back at the cowardly enemy who struck in such a cowardly way".
That is when infections became obvious in numerous countries around the world causing diplomatic insults to fly. Other countries vowed to strike back at the USA, who "were spreading our own sickness to our enemies to weaken their populations in preparation to invade". Words flew, then soldiers, bullets, and missiles.
Cities were destroyed, people were infected or just fighting for survival. Before the inevitable collapse of governments around the world, nuclear attacks were launched;  nine cities in the USA alone were nuked:  Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta (headquarters of the CDC), Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, Seattle, and Dallas/Fort Worth. Strikes were launched from the USA in retaliation, compounding the problems world wide. Infrastructure failed, chaos reigned.
The following is a collection of journal entries, blogs, and vlogs starting from just before the infection was known onward. Some of then were found by our group while searching for a safe place to stay. Others were found by people and were brought to me as the one now keeping the archive.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.