Tuesday, December 19, 2017

From the journal of Sarah Richards, April 24

April 24, 2017

     The flashes of gunfire stopped last night and we haven't seen any since. The Towers is now just a dead hulk of our town full of undead. There is no way for us to go back and look for anything now. We will have to make due with what we were able to smuggle over here. We did find a couple of stashes here in Buckner and we will watch them to see if anyone comes to claim. If no one shows up within a couple of days, we will add them to our supplies. Mandy and I were only able to search a couple of the floors, so there might be more to find. I hope someone else is still alive from the Towers. If they come here, we can have more people and more is better when going up against zombies.
     Most of the undead seem to be staying in the Towers, so far. We have only seen a few here at Buckner, stragglers, that seem to have wandered away from the horde before they headed to the Towers. We take them out, quietly, and then throw their bodies down into the basement. There haven't been that many, so we haven't filled up the space yet, although the smell is just horrible! We stay away from there unless we have to dump someone or something. It doesn't help that we are using it to dump our honey bucket, too.
     We had a meeting last night and set up a schedule for keeping watch. There aren't many of us, so we need to make sure someone is always watching. That way, we will have some warning if anyone or anything comes creeping up on us. If we know, we can be as ready as we can be, with only one man, two adult ladies and three teenage girls with only two rifles and two pistols between them. Of course, the guns would be a last resort. The sound would draw undead to us and that is not smart. We can handle a couple at a time without having to use the guns, but if too many come at once, we will have to use them and deal with the consequences.
     We have talked about going into the port town to see if we can find any supplies, but it was decided to wait until the supplies start to run down, then we'll go. The undead from the cruise ship walked through town and we don't know how many stayed in town. Again, staying quiet will be necessary, so we don't draw more of the undead to where we are. I guess we will have to wait and see. I told Mom that me and Mandy should go down the tunnel to the port and keep watch for a few days, just to see what we see. But she thinks it's too dangerous. If the undead in the Towers find the way into the tunnel, we would be cut off. Mandy and I agree that we still might try and just not tell Mom.
     For now, we will wait a few days before trying anything. That should give the zombies a chance to follow the scent of humans to entrance for the tunnel, if they are going to. Of course, the scent trail might be too old for them to smell if over the smell of they give off.
     Time for me to go take watch.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

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