Tuesday, May 29, 2018

From the journal of Kelly Vargas, June 2

This journal was brought to the archive by a Manny Stone's group, who had found the three surviving high school seniors from a littl Rocky Mountain town. Kelly Vargas is the one who wrote about their experience at the Prom, when the horde rolled through their town and right to the high school gym.

June 2, 2017

     It has now been three weeks since the Prom and the disaster that happened that night. We had been planning the Prom for weeks, like I'm sure most high schools do. When the night came, all of us seniors, and our junior compatriots, came to the school gym in all our Prom finery. The music was pumping, the food was decent, and the dancing was awesome! Everyone came, even the most dorky kids, and the chaperones were being pretty lenient, what with all the pandemic stuff going on.
     We had only had three people turn in our little town and all of them were people who commuted to the biggest city locally, about 40 miles away, for jobs in hospitals. Shelly Marsh, Janet Beakman, and Jason Hamilton all got bit at work and were sent home. Shelly and Janet had families and when they turned, they bit their spouses, but all the kids got away clean. Our police chief, Andy Brooks, was able to take care of the three undead and the people they bit were quarantined at Doc Hansen's house. Chief Brooks even left Deputy Danners at the Doc's and when the men turned, he took them out with no one else getting hurt. That was the end of the pandemic in our town.
     Then Prom night came. I don't know if we drew the zombies to us with the loud music and flashing lights. Maybe we should have covered the windows in the gym, so the light couldn't escape and maybe we shouldn't have had the music so loud. The teachers and parents were trying to give us this one, possibly last, normal night and it totally backfired.
     I don't know when the zombies got to town, or when the towns people started shooting at them. We couldn't hear the shots with the music playing and we just kept dancing. I know that about 10 pm Father Murdock burst through the double doors and slammed them behind him, grabbing chairs and trying to brace the doors. He started yelling at us all to block the doors and make sure all of them were closed, but it was too late. A couple of the back ones were wide open and the undead were already swarming inside. That's when the screaming started, and the aimless running.
     I grabbed my two best friends, Conner Rivers and Alicia Garcia, and we climbed the bleachers and went up the ladder to the scaffolding about the gym. We had all worked on different productions for the drama program and we had spent a number of hours setting up the sound, lights and sets up here. No one else even tried to follow us.
     What followed almost drove us mad. We couldn't help but listen and watch as all our classmates were killed and eaten, torn apart and eaten or just plain torn apart. Blood, guts and pieces of everyone was everywhere. The undead kept pouring in and snacking on pieces. Lucky for the three of us, the screaming didn't last very long, but the crunching and slurping went on for hours. We were stuck up in the rafters and had to stay still and quiet. We needed the zombies to not even know we were there, so eventually, we could get down and try to find out if our families were still alive or not.

     We were stuck up there for a day and a half. People we knew, the ones who weren't too torn apart or eaten too much of, turned and came back as the undead. We saw one other survivor come into the gym, looking for his son. Well, he found him and his son killed him and ate most of him.
     The three of us could probably have gotten down the next night, but we decided to wait for the next day so we could see where we were going. We also decided to check on our families together, starting with Alicia's house since it was the closest. Safety in numbers and all that. We took our principals car, since his keys were on the floor and he was going to need it anymore, there wasn't enough left of him to really identify.
     The town was pretty overrun with zombies and we had to drive very carefully. But once we got to Alicia's house, we turned the CD on loud and left the windows down, to draw the undead away from us and where we were going. We would have to get another car to go to the next house.      Unfortunately, all of our families were dead or undead. We didn't find one person still alive and still haven't. We spent the first night our of the gym at my house, since it was the last one we checked. My parents were gone, skeletons picked clean on our front lawn. I knew it was them because of the pieces of their clothing and the wedding rings still on their hands. We went inside, cried, and huddled together.
     Since then, we have just been surviving. Going from house to house, collecting anything useful. We turned the post office into our refuge. It's small, only has a couple of high slit windows, is made of brick and has solar power. My dog, Shiloh, is with us as well as Connor's hound, Hank. They seem to understand that barking is bad and have been really quiet, not drawing any attention to us. I know having them with us has given me comfort and I bet the others feel the same. We avoid the school, and especially the gym, like it has the black plague. In a way, it does have a plague.
     We don't know if we are the only people still alive, or if there are others out there. We don't know if we should just stay here or if we should try to leave. If we decide to leave., where would we even go? For now, we are just going to keep going and hope that something happens that is good for us and not really, really bad. God, I hope there are others out there who are still human and not evil.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

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