Tuesday, October 31, 2017

From the journal of Charlie Fast Fingers Pearson, April 13

April 13, 2017

     I haven't felt like writing the last few days. Not much has changed for our situation. Every day our scouting party goes a little further, but they still have not found a way down the hill or mountain. They bring whatever food and water they find back to the rest of us and we live on that for the next day while they go back out scouting.
     My leg is so sore I almost want to cut it off, but that would not help, so I deal with it. At least I am alive. We have lost a lot of people since we left the VIP room. We have several people who are out of fucking action for now because they got hurt, beside me. Will is looking better. His face is changing colors and should be back to normal skin color soon. His is able to open his eye but it is really sick to look at because the white of his eye is blood red. Jessie and Mick are using their slings still and Melanie has one now, too. She broke her right leg in more than one place and has a broken arm on that side. She was sitting in the isle seat and her right side was in the isle when the drink cart went flying by. Buck was hit by something in the head and can't stand up by himself without almost falling over. He also has a huge bruise covering his ribs on his left side that wraps around to his spine. We have become part of the group that stays around the camp and keeps the fire going. The other people who stay in camp gather wood and help the people who need it.
     I could kill for some meat right now. All we have had to eat since the crash was either scavenged from the plane or from the island. We ate the few meals that survived the first couple of days and the snacks ran out right after that. We have plenty of water since it rains here every day and we collect what we can. But meat, there is no way for us to get any right now. Man, a huge fucking burger or a whole roasted chicken would be fucking awesome!
      We have been talking about the scouting trips. If they want to really try to get off the hill or mountain, they are going to have to stay out there and not come back every evening. That means that we will have to be able to take care of ourselves for food. It is the only way that they will make it far enough to find out if there is a way down on our side of whatever we landed on and they might even be able to find out if there is anyone on this island.
     No one has seen anyone from the island. You would think that someone would come to check out the crash site, even if they didn't want to find people alive but just wanted to find out if anything useful survived. No one has come up here to check and that makes me wonder if the island has anyone living on it. Or maybe, they are already undead and are slowly heading in our direction. Scary thought.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

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