Saturday, October 21, 2017

From the recovered journal of the Battle of the New Alamo, April 16

April 16, 2017

     I have named my three female cattle. Beef, Chicken and Fish. Tonight, I am going to slaughter one of them and prepare some meat. I ate vegitables from the garden yesterday and I fed the cattle some dog food. They were lucky to get anything at all. The only reason I even fed them is that I want them to have some meat on their bones when I slaughter them. I don't want only bones. I don't like soup and don't have the right stuff to cook it.
     It has been pretty quiet in the rest of the Alamo. I think most of the others who had holed up to survive have been ferreted out by the undead. Of course, most of them were yelling back and forth with other groups like them, instead of being quiet like us. Dumb asses! If they had remained quiet, they might have lived through the initial invasion of undead. They would have died from starvation or dehydration in a few days. But that would have given them time to try to think of something else, some other way to survive. No one else was smart enough to plan ahead. I am the only true survivalist in this place!
     I have very few cooking utensils in here and will have to use the fireplace to cook my cattle in. That means cutting pieces that will fit in the cast iron skillet. Maybe, I should just cut off part of a leg or an arm and then cauterize the wound. I don't think I can cook and eat a whole person, by myself, before it would go bad. If I can keep my food alive for longer while just taking smaller portions, I will be able to stretch out how long I can eat and stay alive. I am going to think about this today and put off the possible slaughter until tomorrow. I have enough vegetables and canned foods to eat well today. This is a very important issue and I need to really think it through.
     I should have thought to sneak some spices into my room. I have a few salt packets from a fast food joint, but a whole container of it would have been nice. I really wish I had some onion powder or garlic powder. The real stuff is too much to hope for these days, but powdered would still have been nice. They would have given my meat more flavor but I really only need it edible, anyway.
     I had just finished writing the stuff above when I heard a burst of gunfire and the undead swarmed one of the barracks. The fight didn't last long because whoever it was didn't have very many bullets. From the screams after the gunfire stopped, I would guess there were at least five people there. The undead pulled them apart and when I peaked through the crack of the door, I could see those creatures fighting over body parts from the fighters. Poor bastards didn't stay quiet enough.
     Speaking of being quiet enough, Fish was crying earlier and I could hear her through the make shift door. I had to go in there and quietly threaten to push her off the room to the undead below if she didn't shut the fuck up. The others just laughed and whispered that there was no way to get onto the roof from in these rooms, but I just smiled. No one knows about the trap doors by the chimneys and I intend to keep it that way. Even if the cattle find out about it, I nailed theirs shut and nailed boards on the rooftop to keep it closed. Beef and Chicken thought they were brave and told me to back off. But I used the taser on them both and everyone shut up. Every little while, I can hear them shuffle around in their cell, but no more sobs. Now is the time to be extra careful not to draw undue attention to my rooms.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

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