Tuesday, June 5, 2018

From the journal of Carol Evans, June 13

June 13, 2017

     I haven't written lately because I've been so busy getting the school ready and getting the kids started. Ashley used to be a kindergarten teacher, so she's taken the youngest children. The two of us had to go through all the books in the library and figure out which ones would work for any kind of school. Very few of them were school material, so we had to go with a group to the nearest schools and library where we got the books we wanted for the kids and also for anyone who wants to learn about something. We made sure to take every how to book we found, no matter what subject it was about. Who knows, someone might want to learn to make stained glass windows one day.

     We were given the library for the school, but have so many books that a lot of the how to books are on bookshelves around the compound. I've had to come up with a catalog of the books we have and where they are located, just in case someone wants to read them. May one day, we can get more rooms for the books. Yeah, in my fantasy. In this new day and age, books are still a luxury and if we had to run from this compound, the books would be left while the food, medicine and weapons were pack to go.
      At first, getting the kids back on a schedule of going to school was like pulling teeth, but after the first week or so, they started getting back in the groove. We still teach reading and writing, basic math, basic science and history, there are some new subjects specifically tailored for the new world. The kids over seven are being taught small arms safety, archery with bows and arrows, basic hand to hand defense, and the basics of food safety if they have to forage through houses. The smaller kids are being taught almost the same, just no firearms yet. A vote was taken and somehow seven was the magic number to learn about gun safety. Liberals are rolling over in the graves, or on the roads where they're roaming.
Jenna and Sean
     Dr. Ben was finally able to get some part of the blood separated out from Henry's samples and gave it to Mike, who improved rapidly. He's still weak and we're not sure he's cured or if it's just a temporary fix, but it's a step in the right direction. Dr. Ben wants out scouting teams to keep their eyes open for a real medical research facility or lab so he can go through their equipment and get stuff he doesn't yet have. He's determined to be able to save anyone else in our group who gets bit, and from how Mike is doing, he might be able to do it. I know Kim is really relieved, since her and Mike are seeing each other after spending so much time together. Kim used to be a LVN and has been helping Dr. Ben with all his research and any patients he gets.
     There for a while, no one saw Dr. Ben unless we went to see him in his lab. But since him and Carol S have been seeing each other, he comes out for meals and was even at Saturday Movie Night last week. It's nice to see people getting interested in dating and love again. Besides Dr. Ben dating Carol S and Kim dating Mike, Gary and Ashley are dating and, as everyone here knows, Jenna and Sean are in young love. It's a start on things getting more back to normal.

As a writer and artist, I appreciate any readers and their comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please, come read the other blog I write for our artisan collective, Raven's Castle Creations, on our website at www.ravencastlecreations.com. It includes posts on art, the mythology of symbols we use in our art, history and more! Also, come see the art we produce in our Etsy store at etsy.com/shop/RavenCastleCreations. Follow us on Twitter at @ravencastleart and on Facebook at @ravencastlecreations.

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